Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

"How To Look Fashionable Without Heels?"

Banyak cewek yang terlihat modis dengan sepatu berhak. Padahal menurut pengalaman, hak itu super capek loh! Ayoo jujur, berapa dari kamu yang ngerasa pegel waktu hang out bareng teman? Memang heels bikin pede and you never go wrong with any outfits. But, don’t you feel worry about your little feet? Jadi gimana caranya bisa tampil stylish tanpa heels? Check it out..

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Very Surprising..

HEAVY BIRTHDAY EEM :D wish you all the best.. more beautiful, smart and succesfull! Yuhuuuu fiinally you have a boyfriend on your 16th.So, don't cry and longlast for you, guys.
Once again, happy birthday my best friend :)


Rabu, 16 Mei 2012


Good Morning, guys! Hemm, it's been a long time i didn't post, because sometime i lost my idea. 
in this post, I want to share about my holiday with my friends :D it's so fantastic! You know what? because this holiday we visited the Gembiraloka zoo.


Minggu, 13 Mei 2012


Kebahagiaan tidak bisa dikejar, tidak bisa dicari, tidak bisa dibeli, tidak bisa dihabiskan dan tidak bisa rusak. Kebahagiaan adalah pengalaman dari menikmati setiap detiknya kehidupan kita dengan penuh rasa cinta dan rasa syukur. So, bahagia itu sederhana :)


Sabtu, 21 April 2012

Kartini Days

Today is Kartini days..happy Kartini days for all women in Indonesia :D 
To enliven the event at my school, I participated in various competitions, such as "dimas-diajeng" and the singing contest. The event is very festive as well as competition events are. Hem, at the time of the race "dimas- diajeng" I feel very nervous. Honestly, it is not less beautiful.  After "dimas-diajeng" I went straight to the room “Audio Visual” for singing contest. Yeah, I did it with success! You know what? I get the first winner of singing contest :D But I lost the competition "dimas diajeng".  Never mind, this is a very memorable experience for me.


Minggu, 01 April 2012

tired but FUN (´⌣`ʃƪ)

happy sunday :D in this post, i want to share about "study outdoor in lembah hijau multifarm & sangiran" yesterday. Yeah, very tired but we are happy guys!!
